Dope Fit Chick of the Week!

Our Dope Fit Chick of the week is health inspiration Kimberly Williams! Read her interview and find out what she eats to stay in shape and what motivates her to workout!

Name: Kimberly Williams

Location: Chicago

Age: 51

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 156

I’m a fit mother of two adults, who are my “why” for everything. I’ve been on the gym scene since I was 18, and though I’m still learning, I  try to share my knowledge of health and wellness with everyone I touch. I believe before anything, you must protect your inner peace.


What motivates you to work out and live a healthy lifestyle?

The gym is like therapy for me. I work out problems in my head while doing cardio. When I’m lifting heavy, I feel a rush of endorphins and it’s exhilarating. My body is strong and I give thanks every day for that.

What does your workout routine look like?

  One hour cardio 4-5 days/week, lifting 1-2 hours lifting 6 days/week.

What do you eat in a typical day to stay in shape?

Veggies and white meat chicken or turkey. Fresh fruit, boiled egg whites, water, my ginger and turmeric tea.

How do you maintain your hair while working out?

. I wear my hair air dried, in a high bun, with leave-in conditioner and argon oil. My hair is natural, but it’s dyed, so I moisturize it daily and wet it every couple of days.

What’s in your gym bag?

  A squat bar pad, ankle straps, three pair of gloves (and I STILL have calluses), bands, hanging abs straps, toiletries, shower shoes. Oh, and gum!

What might we catch you doing outside the gym?

Traveling ( I’m a flight attendant for a major carrier, so I have flight benefits), movies, brunching with friends.


Give your best 3 health tips that people can implement right now.

  1. Protect your inner peace (daily meditation and prayer)

  2. Cut out processed foods and increase water intake

  3. Get moving (walk around the block, a track, or join a gym) and get a fit family support system.


Where can we find you on social media?

Instagram: @kimayoungwilliams
