Dope Fit Chick of The Week!

Our Dope Fit Chick of the week is Fitness Motivator and Country Pop Singer Tavia Brooks! 

 Quick Stats:

Name: Tävîä Brooks

Location: Houston, Texas

Age: 24

Height: 5’3

Weight: 146

Tell us a little about yourself: From Houston but born in Opelousas,La. Country Pop Singer , love smiling and making people laugh. Come from a large family of 7. Loves the color green. Plus loves Nature.


 What motivates you to work out and live a healthy lifestyle?

My parents, fitness was a lifestyle we were brought up on everyone was in sports and my dad always ate clean so he made my mom and the whole house eat clean except for weekends plus I also like to look good naked.

What does your workout routine look like?

Cardio, body weight, hard days lifting

What do you eat in a typical day to stay in shape?

Steamed fish,Chicken, vegetables, sweet potato. Water, tea.

How do you maintain your hair while working out?

Wear a ponytail or bun

What’s in your gym bag?

Brush,headphones, deodorant, charger, extra tampons

What might we catch you doing outside the gym?

Practicing music or  enjoying the outside

Give your best 3 health tips that people can implement right now.

Drink plenty of water ..keeping positive energy around you give more energy to succeed in life and the gym..also portioned food

Where can we find you on social media?

Realtaviabrooks Instagram


