Dope Fit Chick of the Week!

Our Dope Fit Chick of the week is Courtney Ely!


My name is CourtNey Ely (Court Michelle to most). I’m a 30 year old native of Dayton, Oh. I’ve always been into something fitness related whether it was sports (basketball and track & field) or dance. I love to travel, experience new things and spend time with my family and friends.

What motivates you to workout and live a healthy lifestyle?

I’ve been on my fitness journey of working out and living a healthy lifestyle for about 6 years now. I honestly feel having a routine and not wanting to go back to my old ways both mentally and physically keeps me motivated. I also, love the feeling of knowing all the workouts and healthy eating helps me look and feel ten times better than I did when I first started this lifestyle change.

What does your workout routine look like?

I workout 5-6 times a week and this consists of strength training 2x a week focusing on upper and lose body toning and weight lifting. Along with 3-4 days of full body HIIT workouts, I try to focus on my lower body and core since those are target areas for me. I also, do hip hop step cardio (which I am now instructing others with) to help change up my workout style a few days a week.

What do you eat in a typical day to stay in shape?

I typically eat 4-5 times a day (snacks included) to maintain my shape. Breakfast consists of turkey bacon, egg whites with grapefruit or a smoothie. For lunch and dinner I change it up to keep myself from feeling bored with eating. It’ll consist of some sort of protein (salmon lately) with vegetables and brown rice or quinoa. If I am in between meals; my snacks range from almonds, rice cakes or green apples with peanut butter or a protein shake.

How do you maintain your hair while working out?

Lol, this is a great question for me. I’m currently growing my hair back from the short fade/big chop stage so it’s always in a protective style. I’m a girly girl but a lover of the gym at the same time so wearing passion twists or anything in a braid form works best for my daily life.

What's in your gym bag?

My gym bag has pre-workout, almonds, gum, water, towels (I sweat when I workout), resistance bands, weight lifting gloves, a hoodie, tripod, deodorant, face wipes, my waist trainer, sweat heat cream and AirPods.

What are your 3 best health tips people can implement right now?

1. Trust the journey: Understand that everyone’s results can truly be different than yours but if you follow your own path and stick with eating right you’ll see the results.

2. Listen to your body, no matter how much we want our stomachs to lean out or want our curves to appear more noticeable. If we don’t properly relax or take care of our bodies both mentally and physically outside the gym none of the workouts we complete will matter.

3. Find what works for you and stick with it. Every style of workout and eating regimen isn’t ideal for everyone and it’s nothing wrong with that. Once you find what’s really your “thing” everything else will fall in line.

Where can we find you on social media?

You can find me on IG @courtknee_e. ❤️
